Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Rules of Snooker

Rules of PlayEvery game has a certain amount of rules to enable the game to flow smoothly. Even games of chance such as bingo require many rules. Snooker is a complicated game that has multiple rules. We have laid them out here for your review:

1. A legally potted ball entitles the striker to continue at the table until he fails to legally pot a ball.

2. On all shots, the striker must comply with the appropriate requirements of Rules of Play 5 and 6. It is not necessary to cause the cue ball or an object ball to contact a cushion or drop in a pocket after the cue ball has contacted a legal object ball (ball on). Failure to contact a legal object ball first is a foul.

3. As long as reds are on the table, the incoming striker (player taking his first stroke of an inning) always has a red as his legal object ball (ball on).

4. Any red balls potted on a legal shot are legally potted balls; the striker need not call any particular red ball(s), pocket(s) or details of how the pot will be played.

5. When the striker has a red ball as his "ball on" (legal object ball), he must cause the cue ball's first contact to be with a red ball. Failure to do so is a foul (See Penalties For Fouls)

6. After the striker has scored a red ball initially, his next legal object is a color, and as long as reds remain on the table he must alternate his play between reds and colors (though within each group he may play a ball of his choice). When reds remain on the table and a color is his object, the striker must (a) designate prior to stroking which color ball is his object (that specific color is then his "ball on"), and (b) cause the cue ball's first contact with a ball to be with that colored ball. If the striker fails to meet these requirements, it is a foul (See Penalties For Fouls).

7. If the striker's ball on is a red, and he pots a color, it is a foul.

8. If the striker's ball on is a color, and he pots any other ball, it is a foul.

9. Jump shots are illegal in International Snooker. It is a foul if the striker intentionally causes the cue ball to jump (rise from the bed of the table) by any means, if the jump is an effort to clear an obstructing ball.

10. While reds remain on the table, each potted color is spotted prior to the next stroke (see Spotting Balls below for spotting rules). After a color has been spotted, if the striker plays while that ball is incorrectly spotted (and opponent or referee calls it before two such plays have been taken), the shot taken is a foul. If the striker plays two strokes after such error without its being announced by opponent or referee, he is free of penalty and continues playing and scoring normally as though the spotting error simply had not occurred. The striker is responsible for ensuring that all balls are correctly spotted before striking. If the striker plays while a ball(s) that should be on the table is not a foul may be awarded whenever the foul is discovered during the striker's inning. Any scoring prior to the discovery of the foul will count.

11. When no reds remain on the table, striker's balls on become the colors, in ascending numerical order (2,3,4,5,6,7). These legally potted colors are not spotted after each is potted; they remain off the table. (The black (7) ball is an exception in the case of a tie score; see Scoring.)

Saturday, 21 January 2012

Advantages  Playing  Snooker?

"On average players will walk in excess of 1km every two frames"

The low back too is put under increased strain. For every inch of lumbar flexion (leaning forward) the muscles in the lumbar spine (low back) have to work twice as hard to counter this. This puts both an increased strain on the joints of the low back and indeed the lumbar vertibral discs and muscles. This in turn you would expect to lead to a higher incidence of pain in the low back.

However, we must not look at the above in isolation. On the flip side of the coin, on average players will walk in excess of 1km every two frames played, excellent for the general mobility, when broken up by the rigours of playing shots. The action of bending forwards to play these shots repetitively in a well prepared individual can actually assist in helping to keep the spine mobile and supple. Much more so than lying on the sofa watching television ever would.

"Snooker can significantly help in keeping the joints moving through their active ranges"
For more sedentary individuals, playing snooker may be not only their pastime but their only form of exercise too! While form a cardiovascular perspective the benefit would be largely negligible, form a biomechanical one it could be more significantly helpful in keeping the joints of the body moving through their active ranges of motion. Promoting the mobility of the joints might be more beneficial to senior players than youths.

Sport by its very definition actively promotes health. Sport too can lead to injury. From both aspects, Snooker may be viewed to have affect: Health promotion - being out of the house, increased mobility, and social benefits. Because the physical demands in snooker at recreational level are not huge a few simple stretches should prevent potential for injury, making it a very positive activity.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

  Hello Friends I Am Back With Some More Interesting Info About Snooker (As i had received a  email sating that WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT SNOOKER )

The Object Of The Game
The object of the game is to score more points than the opponent by potting object balls in a predefined order. At the start of a frame, the balls are positioned as shown and the players take turns to hit a shot in a single strike from the tip of the cue, their aim being to pot one of the red balls and score a point. Whenever a red ball is potted, the shooter is allowed to pot one of the colours. If successful, they score the value of the colour potted, and it is returned to its correct position on the table. This process continues until they fail to pot the desired ball, at which point their opponent comes back to the table to play the next shot. The game continues in this manner until all the reds are potted and only the 6 colours are left on the table; at that point the aim is to pot the colours in the order yellow 2, green 3, brown 4, blue 5, pink 6, black 7, with the balls not being returned to play. When the final ball is potted, the player with the most points wins

Points may also be scored in a game when a player's opponent fouls. A foul can occur for numerous reasons, such as hitting a colour first when the player was attempting to hit a red, potting the cue ball, or failing to escape from "a snooker" (a situation where the previous player finished their turn leaving the cue ball in a position where the object ball cannot be hit directly). Points gained from a foul vary from a minimum of 4 to a maximum of 7 if the black ball is involved.One game, from the balls in their starting position until the last ball is potted, is called a frame. A match generally consists of a predefined number of frames and the player who wins the most frames wins the match overall. Most professional matches require a player to win five frames, and are called 'Best of Nine' as that is the maximum possible number of frames

Accessories used

Accessories used for snooker include chalk for the tip of the cue, rests of various sorts (needed often, due to the length of a full-size table), a triangle to rack the reds, and a scoreboard. One drawback of snooker on a full-size table is the size of the room (22 by 16 feet (6.7 × 4.9 m)), which is the minimum required for comfortable cueing room on all sides.[20] This limits the number of locations in which the game can easily be played. While pool tables are common to many pubs, snooker tends to be played either in private surroundings or in public snooker halls. The game can also be played on smaller tables using fewer red balls. The variants in table size are: 10' × 5', 9' × 4.5', 8' × 4', 6' × 3' (the smallest for realistic play) and 4' × 2'. Smaller tables can come in a variety of styles, such as fold away or dining-table convertible.

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Hello ,

I would like to give a bit info about Snooker
snooker sport that is played on a green baize-covered table with pockets in each of the four corners and in the middle of each of the long side cushions. A regular (full-size) table is 12 × 6 ft (3.7 × 1.8 m). It is played using a cue and 22 snooker balls: one white cue ball, 15 red balls worth one point each, and six balls of different colours: yellow (2 points), green (3), brown (4), blue (5), pink (6) and black (7).[1] A player (or team) wins a frame (individual game) of snooker by scoring more points than the opponent(s), using the cue ball to pot the red and coloured balls. A player wins a match when a certain number of frames have been won.

Snooker, generally regarded as having been invented in India by British Army officers, is popular in many of the English-speaking and Commonwealth countries,[2] with top professional players attaining multi-million pound career earnings from the game.[3] The sport is now increasingly popular in China.[4]

I love this sport as its a mind game and very few people like this game in my home country.
When i m tired i often play this game it give me a energy to carry on with my work with out any prob.

And guyz i would like to know  what u think about this sport 
thank u